Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 9:00 PM ET (6:00 PM Pacific Time)
Speaker: Jonathan Sarfati/Creation Ministries International PhD (Physical Chemistry)
Evolutionary dogma states that life arose coming from non-living chemicals. However, the more we learn about the complexity of even a ‘simple’ cell, the harder this is to accept. Modern science has shown that all cells contain many tiny machines and other nanotechnology, and the world's most complex information processing systems. Further, real, observational chemistry works in the opposite direction from the chemical evolution foundation. And if life can't start naturalistically, then Darwinian evolution is dead on arrival.
Please enter the Fellowship Hall through building's northernmost door, the one facing Fischer Avenue.
Some but not all meetings are available to watch by ZOOM. To join by ZOOM, CLICK on Meeting ID: 917 772 8905
October 19, 2024
We will show* a proposed PowerPoint storyboard for a short video production, tentatively to be called, SORRY DARWIN, FITNESS IS NOT A HERITABLE TRAIT!
The object of the proposed video is to demonstrate that because :
1) The unit of FITNESS (comparative reproductive rate) is the WHOLE ORGANISM, (not an individual mutation); and, 2) Variation due to sexual reproduction is so large that no two individuals share the same exact genome, Neo-Darwinism fails. Cumulative Natural Selection, as envisioned by Darwin and his followers, CANNOT assemble complex functional structures or behaviors at molecular, cellular, tissue, organic, systemic or ecosystem levels. Mutations-plus-Natural Selection cannot replace Intentional Causation as the only rational explanation for the Genius of Life.
november 2, 2024
November 16, 2024
John David Lehman, B.M.E., M.Div, D.Phil, Ph.D., will* give the first in a series of presentations showing the historical relationship between Socialism and Darwinism.
December 7 & 21
Calvary Chapel Central Orange County honors the Lord's birth with a flurry of special events throughout the month of December. To accommodate the church's extra busy schedule during the Month of Christmas, the Creation Science Fellowship does not meet in December.
January 4, 2025
We will show* the seventh of eight episodes of the DVD series, EVOLUTION: THE GRAND EXPERIMENT
Episode Seven, HUMAN EVOLUTION FRAUD IN EUROPE (Run time 50+ min)
Based on the popular book series, "Evolution: The Grand Experiment" by Dr. Carl Werner
January 18, 2025
Joseph Kezele, MD, will give* a LIVE, IN-PERSON presentation titled PROGRAMMED FILLING AND SPECIATION – Having Fun with Dogs
February 1, 2025
We will show* the eighth of eight episodes of the DVD series, EVOLUTION: THE GRAND EXPERIMENT
Based on the popular book series, "Evolution: The Grand Experiment" by Dr. Carl Werner
February 15, 2025
(Tentative:) Jerry Bergman will present* on a topic to be determined.
John R. Baumgardner, Ph.D. Geophysics and Space Physics, will * give a presentation, titled RATE REVISITED: C-14 EVIDENCE THAT THE EARTH IS YOUNG
Carbon-14, with a half-life of only 5,730 years, is generally applied only to carbon-containing samples at or near the Earth’s surface. It rarely is applied to samples from deeper within the Earth’s since in most cases other radioisotope methods, which use isotopes with long half-lives and are suitable only for igneous rocks, give ages of millions to billions of years. An issue for C-14 dating is the small relative abundance of C-14 relative to C-12 in today’s atmosphere, of only about one C-14 atom for every 1.2 trillion non-radioactive C-12 atoms. This makes it impossible with the best technology today to measure C-14 levels beyond about 17.5 half-lives, or 100,000 years of C-14 decay. When accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) technology was introduced in the 1980’s, it was expected that the dating limit would be extended from 50,000 years to nearly 100,000 years. It was shocking when researchers discovered that essentially all carbon-bearing samples they tested, even from deep in the rock record, consistently gave C-14 ages significantly less than 100,000 years. The RATE team confirmed this result with ten coal samples from Paleozoic, Mesozoic, and Cenozoic settings. They also demonstrated that diamonds likewise display C-14 levels well above the C-14 measurement threshold. They showed that a recent episode of rapid nuclear decay readily accounts for this unexpected radiocarbon throughout the rock record. Episodes of extremely high rates of nuclear decay, as documented by the RATE team, imply that (1) dates provided by standard radioisotope methods are in error by large factors and (2) the true age of the Earth is only a few thousands of years instead of billions. This talk will also summarize many of the examples of excellent soft tissue preservation in fossils that support the reality of the Genesis Flood as well as a young age for the earth.
date to be determined
John C. Sanford, Ph.D. will speak *on a topic to be determined. About our speaker: (The following biography is borrowed and modified from Dr. John Sanford was a Cornell University Professor for more than 30 years. He received his PhD from the University of Wisconsin in the area of plant breeding and plant genetics. While a professor at Cornell, John trained graduate students and conducted genetic research at the New York State Agricultural Experiment Station in Geneva, NY.
At Cornell, John bred new crop varieties using conventional breeding and then became heavily involved in the newly-emerging field of plant genetic engineering. John has published over 100 scientific publications and has been granted several dozen patents. His most significant scientific contributions during the first half of his career involved three inventions: the biolistic ("gene gun") process, pathogen-derived resistance, and genetic immunization. A large fraction of the transgenic crops (in terms of numbers and acreage) grown in the world today were genetically engineered using the gene gun technology developed by John and his collaborators. This work came from John's heartfelt desire to end world hunger. Today, the Smithsonian Institute displays Dr. Sanford's gene gun prototype. John also started two biotech enterprises derived from his research, Biolistics, Inc., and Sanford Scientific, Inc.
John organized a collaboration with Drs. John R. Baumgardner, Wesley H. Brewer, Paul Gibson, and Walter J. ReMine in to develop "Mendel's Accountant," an advanced numerical simulation program for modeling genetic change over time. MENDEL is a genetic accounting program that allows realistic numerical simulation of the mutation/selection process over time. It is available for free download at
With the proceeds of his successes as an inventor, John retired early, but continued to hold a position at Cornell (Courtesy Associate Professor), where he organized the 2011 symposium, BIOLOGICAL INFORMATION - NEW PERSPECTIVES. He then co-edited the symposium's 563 page Proceedings. Later, he authored a highly compressed synopsis with commentary on each of the symposium's 24 papers. John started a small non-profit organization, Feed My Sheep Foundation (FMS), and co-founded Logos Research Associates, a fellowship of scholars and scientists dedicated to the proposition that "Good science affirms Scripture." Through FMS and LogosRA, John has organized and conducted research in the areas of theoretical genetics and bioinformatics, and in geology. He has authored and co-authored three additional books: Genetic Entropy, Contested Bones, and The Sexual Holocaust.
JANUARY 18, 2025
Joseph Kezele, MD, will give* a LIVE, IN-PERSON presentation, (Title to be determined.)
*Subject to James 4:13-15 - " . . . For ye ought to say, If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that."